Post-operation Rehabilitation with polarized light

Speed your recovery time up by 25% with Sensolite Polarized Devices!

A revolutionary non-invasive rehabilitation treatment that helps you heel faster with beautifully cured, hardly visible, non-keloid scars!


What is Sensolite?

Sensolite Polarized Light device is an invention of Márta Fenyő, world-famous Hungarian physicist, the inventor of Zepter’s Bioptron light device. This C.E. certified appliance is a unique medical health device with no side effects and several health benefits that can be used successfully after any operation or beauty treatment to speed up rehabilitation time.


How does it work?

Polarized light reaches the capillaries, stimulates the oxygen binding capacity of red blood cells and improves blood circulation. Studies have shown that polarized light also mobilizes white blood cells responsible for immunity and improves the body's defense system. During the treatment, the entire circulating blood volume benefits from the stimulating effect of polarized light, which is delivered by the blood components to all cells, organs and organ systems of the body. The effects are benefited throughout the entire body.


What is the device useful for?

Polarized light has been used in several fields and is a superb supplementary treatment for curing the symptoms of several illnesses. The device can be used without age limit. Sensolite can be used to maintain health, to accelerate the healing of acute illnesses, to alleviate the symptoms of chronic problems, and to speed up rehabilitation time.


What fields is Sensolite used in? 

Upper respiratory diseases
Performance enhancement
Chronic fatigue relief
Mental balance
Sports injuries
Burn injuries
Wound healing
Relieving the symptoms of menopause
Rheumatic problelms

What is the length of a treatment?

The treatment takes 20 minutes and can be used by any age group.

Does the treatment have any side effects?

The treatment has hardly any side effects.

Got questions? Would like to book an appointment? 


Contact us:

+ 36/70-4545-510

Post-operation Rehabilitation with polarized light