Dental implants

Need a tooth replacement? There might be things have known incorrectly about dental implants all along!

Tooth implantation is a routine intervention nowadays, an everyday procedure, but it is surrounded with a lot of misinformation.

If one is in need of tooth implantation, it is important to take several factors into consideration and not just decide on the price.


There are hundreds of different types of implants so before the rather costly procedure, best is to consult with a specialized dentist rather than choosing an implant by an often-misleading advertisement. A professional will recommend the adequate implant after a thorough examination taking several factors into consideration.


Why choose us? Implantation is a rather serious intervention. There are several practices performing it, mostly by dentists however, we only apply the procedure by highly qualified head-neck surgeons, which guarantees problem free and satisfying results. At our clinic there are no impossible cases, even in bone replacement or bone building in needed.

It is very important to examine whether one needs bone replacement and if so, to build the bone before implantation. Although there are special cases, when placement of an implant is possible immediately after tooth extraction, sadly it is not a common case.


If a dentist advertises an “immediate loading implant placement “, it is necessary to make sure what they mean by it. In this case, a temporary plastic, gently loadable replacement is placed on the implant, which can and must be replaced by a permanent replacement after the implant has completely ossified, resulting in very serious extra costs.

Pre-operative panoramic X-ray or CT scan is recommended before implant placement, and a follow-up X-ray and evaluation is recommended after surgery.


We guarantee to give you a new tooth that is as good as the original was!


Implantation from 400 EUR


Contact us:

+ 36/70-4545-510